Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Andrew is a 7 year old!

Well, it's official!  Andrew is now a 7 year old!  His birthday was last Thursday, and we really feel like this may have been the first birthday that he was really into!  He was totally jazzed about his party, his cake (and that it was gluten free and he could eat it and didn't have red dye!), that the cake would be rectangle with white frosting, and that it would be a "Transformer party".  We had it at a gymnastics place, trying to find a place like Tatarus in Knoxville.  They blow up a huge train shaped inflatable and the kids get to run around to the different stations or obstacles!  We invited his class, which worked out great!  It allowed us to meet some of the kids in his class and their parents, too.  About 9 kids came, which was the perfect number!  He had a ball!  The party was on Saturday (right during the Clemson game--yikes!)  but that worked out great, too.  He can now tell you he is 7 years old when asked, which is always a struggle for him to know how old he is now, will be next year, etc.

Kylie had a ball at the party as well.  The gymnastics place was great about allowing her to go out on the equipment supervised by dad!  She had no problem learning how to use the equipment, as you can see by the pictures below!!  You would have thought she was training for the olympics or something.


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